chimaera.site is an ongoing, experimental writing/theory/hypertext project, where i web my interests, experiences, and research.
i am an artist + writer + youth advocate. you can find more about me and my wider practice at daelynlambi.com
this project began as my graduate thesis in critical studies. as a balance to the digital and solitary nature of that work, i organized an AFK (“away from keyboard”) exploration of this project's concepts and themes. it was a two week community arts space in a half-dead mall. you can find more information about that here.
this project is nonlinear, webbed, ongoing, unfinished, and full of holes, loops, and dead ends (both intentional and unintentional). there is no right or wrong way to explore it.
that said, you can find a few tips and alternate ways to navigate the website here.
not sure what a word i keep using means? want more context around what i know or believe about a concept? check out my lexicon.
i built this lexicon for a few reasons:
i'm neurodivergent and organizing key terms this way helps me immensely, and i didn't see a reason to keep it private.
language is really important to me and I want folks to know what i mean when i use a term.
accessibility! <3
Since this project is so research heavy, it's important to me that this element of my practice be visible. In this annotated bibliography you can find a running list of essays, books, videos and more that have contributed to my thinking around this project; as well as some information about each source.
You can access the annotated bibliography here.
I also welcome (and love!) recommendations of things to read or look at. You can reach out to me at daylynnlambi@gmail.com
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